Saturday, September 27, 2008

3 out of 4 people agree- The Avett Brothers Rock!

As many of you know- Amy loves the Avett Brothers. I was not such a fan- the Youtube videos are horrible! Then I decided that I would take one for the team and go with Amy to the largest music festival in Maine- Shangri-la. It was rainy and there were barely any people there. Amy and I "camped" in a motel nearby and we gave it all we had at the show. That night I became a true convert. I have been listening to 3 of their albums non-stop since. They are now officially the soundtrack to my life. Jackson also really likes them- If it's the beaches is his "favorite" ( I think he says that because it's mommy's favorite!) Scott supposedly doesn't like them at all, although he is listening to them for Jackson. Beware- they will grow on you!
So if you have the chance to catch a show- do it! If you have a chance to talk to them- do it! (Amy missed the boat on that one last month)
So here is a video of Jackson rocking out. Enjoy. This video makes me smile and I sing along when ever I watch it. Smile, sing and dance until you can't dance anymore . . . .


Maggie said...

yeah they were decent in my book until i saw them live... amy is slowly converting the masses!

i love the little tapping feet in the video!

petecobb99 said...

yeah, that video should be on youtube--it would totally go viral!
how can such a cute thing not?

amy said...

the brothers would LOVE this video if they saw it. For serious, you should post a link to it on their board.