Sunday, January 18, 2009

Another Sunday, Another Snow Storm

Jackson and Mommy after a long morning playing in the snow

Happy New Year everyone! Jackson and I are staying busy- Jackson eating lots of snow and for me it's shoveling. I did go and hire a plow guy- which has been super exciting and helpful. Jackson and I had a wonderful time in CA for Christmas. It was sad to come back to all the cold and snow but we are already talking about going back on the big airplane. Jackson probably had an easier time adjusting then I did and now every time he sees a plane it is always flying to CA.
Here are some pictures from our trip home- Jackson had a great time playing with all of his cousins and his many aunts and uncles. Of course I think Jackson enjoyed playing fetch with Napoleon the most!

Jackson and Napoleon at the park

Jackson on the slide- not sure what to do next

Jackson and Mommy Christmas morning

Jackson and Aubrey- they did really well together sharing this time around

Popeye, Jacob, Jackson and Loni- Christmas Eve dinner

The three boys eating together

Since being home we have been playing outside and when it is too cold to go outside (which it has been the past week) Jackson has taken to riding his bike in the house really fast! Well that is how he explains it at least. He is getting really good at navigating the turns and furniture. He also enjoys chasing Cassidy around the house on his bike- not sure Cassidy appreciates the game of it all. She is doing much better with Jackson and now Jackson kisses her at night and says " I love Cassidy and Cassidy loves Jackson" Too cute.

The other big news is that next week our house will officially be up for sale. It's very sad and kind of exciting all at the same time. The idea of packing and de-cluttering is kind of overwhelming right now. Fingers crossed we can sell it quickly and for the price we are asking. I have not been able to decide where to go once the house sells- I guess we need to figure that out pretty quickly!

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